Friday, June 16, 2006

Tata Indicom has been promising Broadband Internet Services throughout India without the ability to provide reliable lines. They have offer promotional rates for prepaid services, and left thousands of consumers without the services they paid for.

This site is dedicated to seeking justice for the thousands of Indians who are being cheated by this corporate scrooge. India's business enviroment is extremely distrustful as compared to international norms. In this land of distrust, people have chosen not to do business with smaller, local providers and instead have trusted in the Tata name for reliability and honesty.

Indians have grown up with Tata, as a manufacturer of their steel kitchenware, builder of trucks and cars, and purveyor of teas. Tata has offered India financial services and consultancy, energy creation, and chemical production. If Indians can't trust Tata, they have nothing to trust in.

It is no secret that there is a lack of trust in the India governments, including the courts, that are deep in corruption. The democracy of India is a fascade, a story sold to the people in return for their complaceny. The people of India are living in a system where they have no voice, where the thief can walk away with their jewels and no one comes to their defense. Crime and corruption are calculated assumptions, and rare is the policeman, the judge, or the politician who is willing to stand up against it.

Yet, that time has come. For India to move ahead, for progress to take place, more trust is needed in the system. And thus, the most intelligent place to demand the trust is in one of the world's largest corporation which is part of every Indian's life- the Tata family of companies.

We, the people, demand responsible corporate citizenry. We demand to be treated fairly, with justice. And, we will fight in the court of law, through boycott, in the media, and with every possible means to make Tata Indicom stand behind it's promise to deliver. We demand full refunds for all customers with broken services.

It is finally time for the people of India to declare: "we're not going to take it."


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